Prepare your home for winter with these easy steps

Category Advice

As the nights become longer and the days shorter, the signs of winter are taking hold. In South Africa we experience subtropical weather which is influenced by its location between two oceans, namely the Atlantic and Indian. This location means that the country experiences a wider range of climates when compared to other countries around Africa.

Residents from different provinces experience varying degrees of the winter chill. For example, Durban residents typically experience average winter temperatures of 11 - 23 degrees, Pietermaritzburg 3 - 23 degrees, Johannesburg 4 - 20 degrees, Bloemfontein  (-2) - 17 degrees and Cape Town 7 - 18 degrees. 

With thick blankets now being used after months of storage and warm fireplaces crackling again, now is the perfect time to prepare your home for the winter period, which is officially beginning on June 21 to September 23. 

Stock up on Winter Essentials

Before temperatures start to significantly drop, you will need to stock up on essentials such as firewood and gas (for gas heaters). If you own an electrical heater, you should power it up to check if it is in working condition. In this way, you will safeguard yourself against last minute shopping, which could result in the items you need, being sold out due to increased demand for it. 

Prepare for Power Outages

During winter, power outages are more common due to a higher demand for electricity which can place strain on electrical infrastructure, as well as, higher than usual wind speeds which can cause damage to power lines. You will therefore, need to prepare for such scenarios by ensuring that you’ve invested in batteries for your torch/es or that your solar LED lights are recharged at all times. 

Take Heed of Precautions 

Since you have some time before the winter begins, it is essential that you take heed of the necessary precautions if you’re going to be using a fireplace to keep warm. Before you light it up, ensure that you look for blockages such as bird nests and soot build-up as months of unuse can easily cause this. If there are birds nests, you can simply remove this, however, excessive soot build-up will need to be handled by professional handymen as this can potentially cause a fire. 

A Safe Outdoor Area

Considering that, in the winter, the nights arrive quicker and last longer, it is imperative that you check your outside lighting and ensure that it is in working order. A well-lit outside area is a security measure that can discourage criminals from entering your yard.In addition, it can help prevent you or your family members from tripping over and getting injured on cold and dark winter nights and early mornings.

By implementing the above measures, you will be well prepared for the winter days ahead and you will be safeguarded against any unfortunate circumstances that this season may bring. 

Author: Dormehl Phalane Property Group

Submitted 25 May 18 / Views 1503